Forthcoming Auctions

catalogues online now


Table Lots
ending 6pm, Sunday 30 March

Decorative Arts
ending 7pm, Sunday 30 March

Garden, Outdoors & Electrical
ending 6pm, Monday 31 March

Furniture & Estates
10am, Tuesday 25 March

10am, Monday 31 March

Fine & Decorative Arts
10am, Tuesday, 3 June


The Auction Salon

catalogue online now


The Auction Salon: A Timed Art Auction

Closing 8pm, Sunday 30 March


 9am – 12noon, Saturday 29 March


Decorative Arts

online auction


Our weekly Decorative Arts Auction is now a timed, online auction. There will be no live bidding in our rooms, or online.

All bids can be placed on the RKT App or on our website.

Bidding will close at 7pm on Sunday evenings and successful bidders will be notified on Monday morning.

Collection and payment will continue to be made by 4pm on Wednesdays.


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and RK&T?

Raffan Kelaher & Thomas holds Australia’s largest weekly auctions, in addition to a wide range of regular specialty sales. If you haven’t been to an auction before, or are interested in buying or selling at auction, we are here to help!